What is a SAFE Investment?

SAFE investment

In 2013, startup accelerator, Y Combinator, introduced a new way for investors to invest in startup companies. The Simple Agreement for Future Equity, or SAFE, was created as a simpler alternative to convertible debt and equity investments. Under a SAFE, the investors invest money in the company using a SAFE, in exchange for which, the…

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Common Stock Valuation: Startup Tax Issues (Part 1)

Filing taxes can be intimidating, but it’s as inevitable as death. Tax rules are complicated, subject to change, and frequently poorly written. Early-stage startup taxation is a relatively limited field and this is good news for founders. Four topics makeup about 60-80% of founder tax issues. In this two-part blog series, we will address common…

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Understanding How GDPR Compliance Affects Your Business

On May 28, 2018, the GDPR or General Data Protection Regulations went into effect. GDPR is a legal framework that governs the way companies handle data for those within the European Union (EU). It impacts data privacy law and compliance for companies on other continents who manage customer information from European citizens. Companies across industries must…

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Introduction to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR

With every registration form, online purchase, and new account you create, you share sensitive personal information. Email addresses, phone numbers, banking information, passwords, and the list goes on. Companies and online marketers claim that collecting this information is only to provide you with a better browsing experience. But how can you be sure that your…

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